Positive Lives! London, N7
no dates to be announced.
Cost £125 workshop (early bird £99 price)
Many of us live well with the virus! Life is good and meds keep us well! Being undectectable we are not infectious for HIV. In this workshop we will share reflections on the changing experience of HIV amongst gay, bi & queer men. We’ll explore how we are adjusting to changes in our identities, practices in relation to our sexual lives.
Friend or Foe? London N7.
Next dates to be announced. Cost £125 workshop (Early bird – £99)
Are you a good friend to yourself or your own worst enemy?
Friend or Foe is a workshop on self-esteem, exploring how you can relate to yourself in a more compassionate, supportive & constructive ways & move away from being critical, nasty or destructive to yourself.
Gay & Getting Older Gracefully (or disgracefully!) – London N7
Next dates to be announced.
Cost £125 (early bird £99)
Sometimes it might seem that being gay is about being young and full of energy. It probably was for many of us! However we are all aging and in this workshop we will try and make sense of this process and maybe adjust our view of ourselves and think about both the roles acceptance and making changes as well as getting the most out of our lives.
A workshop for gay/bi/queer men who would like to reflect on their life with other gay/bi/queer men.