The Transformation Game® is a board game developed at Findhorn, Scotland in the 1970’s. It is a personal development tool & I like to think of it as spiritual monopoly – based on growthful, wholesome & supportive values.
Before the game starts each player decides on an intention for their play e.g. what do I do about my work, relationship, energy levels etc. The game unfolds using cards that offer setbacks & insights into each player’s intentions for the game. It is a very interactive game where each player is actively supported by the other players & the game facilitator. Generally Games come with both much laughter & some tears!
In my experience it is amazing how the ‘right’ cards find us to take each player along their game pathway. The game has a spiritual element. It ends with feedback from the players as well each player drawing conclusions about the meaning of their game & any next steps.
I look forward to playing the Game with you!
LONDON N7 – June 18th/19th (10-5) 2022 Cost £125 (early bird £99 by 1st May 2022).
TOTNES, DEVON 21/22 May 2022 (10-5) 2022 Cost £125 ( early bird £99 by April 1st 2022).
Also by arrangement (max 6 players).
To book: email – [email protected]
or phone 07397 652012